This past June the Canadian Federation of Nurses Union (CFNU) held a virtual conference in which short staffing, unsafe workplaces, nursing staff burn out, overtime and vacant positions were discussed. September 17, 2021 was decided upon as a “day of action” to stop the downward spiral of long-standing nurse shortages, health and safety issues, and undervalued work.
According to Megan Steiner, Local 55 President, this national day of action is needed to mobilize nurses, allies and supporters across Canada to unify around a collective call for immediate action to address the nursing crisis. Canadian nurses’ average weekly overtime hours increased by 78 per cent during the pandemic. Overtime was even more significant in Ontario and Quebec, surging by 109 per cent and 173 per cent respectively during the same period. The cycle of excessive overtime and unsustainable workloads, coupled with widespread verbal and physical violence, has meant nurses’ mental and physical health has deteriorated.
“In Vermilion, Local 55 UNA members are frustrated and concerned with the path that healthcare is on. Understaffing and burnout lead to poorer patient conditions and outcomes and the staff are determined to provide the best care to our community as possible. To achieve this goal, they are asking to be valued and respected for the services provided, as well as be provided with appropriate supports and safe workplaces to provide the highest level of patient care.
We organized this information rally for Sept. 17 as a walk from the Vermilion Health Center to main street Vermilion, allowing the chance to talk with the public, raise concerns, and engage our community in the fight for excellent healthcare delivery in Vermilion,” commented Megan Steiner, Local 55 President.
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