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  • Writer's pictureDawn Hames

Pumpkin Crisp

And just like that it’s October. Our summer went by so fast. I hear the geese honking as they make their way south. All of our fields are combined, and their golden hue is beautiful, with the blaze of colour on the trees. Fall has its own smell outside, as the leaves release their life and fall from the trees, and the air gets cooler, with a briskness to it. Fall is a time that really captures all of our senses. This weekend coming is Thanksgiving, and I am busy getting ready for a houseful of family. Food is an important part of big family get togethers. I just finished making this Pumpkin Crisp, and had it warm with vanilla ice cream. It’s a twist on pumpkin pie. It can also be served chilled with fresh whipped cream.

Thanksgiving is a time to contemplate all of our many blessings. When we are thankful, we are happy, and when we have a happy heart, it is like good medicine for our soul and body. When we are thankful, we walk a little closer to God, who give us even our breath. Farmers are especially happy and thankful to bring in the harvest, and I am thankful for the work that farmers do to feed us all. The Thanksgiving harvest celebration often centers on the “feed us all” aspect, with turkey, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy and pumpkin pie, high on the list of traditional favourites. This Pumpkin Crisp is a quick and easy dessert to make. Many blessings to you and Happy Thanksgiving

Pumpkin Crisp

Base layer

4 large eggs

1 large can of pure pumpkin 796 ml

1 can of homogenized evaporated


1 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon cinnamon

1 1/2 teaspoon ginger

1/4 teaspoon cloves


1 1/2 cup quick cooking oats

1/2 cup flour

1/2 brown sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup butter

Preheat the oven 375. Butter a 9 x 13 pan. In a large bowl whisk the eggs, then add the rest of the ingredients, stir until well blended, pour the mixture into the buttered baking dish. Mix together all the topping ingredients, you can use one hand to mix to get a nice crumb. Top the pumpkin mixture with the oatmeal mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 50 minutes.

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