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  • Vermilion Voice

Rusty Bit Horse Show

From left, alumni and regular members Olivia Elder, Dixie Allen, Rikki Moon, Kadia Wagner, Madison MacDonald, and Kalli Usenik. Photos Angela Mouly

The Vermilion 4-H Light Horse Club hosted the 52nd Annual Rusty Bit Horse Show on August 13.

Throughout the day they covered showmanship with English and Western classes, and local participants joined members entering a gymkhana in the afternoon.

The Vermilion 4-H Light Horse Club has been operating since 1967. Running nearly that long, the Rusty Bit Awards were once again donated by the Coutts family. Competitors of all ages were vying for the handmade Rusty Bit Trophy awarded for the overall high point throughout the day as well as high point awards in each division.

“Oh my gosh it’s so fun, and you meet so many new people and reunite with old friends. It gives you newfound companionship and teaches you how to stay calm because your horse can feel it.” said Rikki Moon who is a first-year 4-H Light Horse member. “

“4-H has always been always about building future role models. A lot of participants are past members or volunteers. It’s great to see them out pushing boundaries, and it’s great to see the improvement in all of the children,” said project leader, Krystal Endstrom.

Seven-year-old Hunter Endstrom was in his third year participating and said he loved it because he gets to learn new riding skills.

Seven-year-old Hunter Endstrom with his horse, Venus.

“It is fun and gives you responsibility, teaching you how to take care of your horse,” said eight-year member, Olivia Elder.

Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun during the last local show of the season.

“Thank you to all of the tremendous sponsors this year; our parents really went above and beyond to do that this year,” said Endstrom.

People under age nine can register as cleavers and up to age 21 as regular members. For those interested in joining the club, you can search 4-H Alberta online or contact Krystal at 780-871-1513.

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