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  • Vermilion Voice

J.R. Robson Fall Supper

J. R. Robson School held their annual Fall Supper on November 1, with approximately 600 people attending. Hosted for nearly 40 years, the meal was a fundraiser for the volleyball teams; and many students, parents, and staff helped prepare, serve, and clean up. When asked why she loves organizing this each year, Foods Teacher, Monique Hart said, “Because it’s my way to give back to the children.” Hart was very thankful to the parent and student volunteers, as well as those who donated food items. Many in the community enjoyed the full course roast beef dinner with several sides and dessert. “I used to come years ago, and I know some of the staff so I have enjoyed coming back for the past 3 – 5 years. It is well organized and nice to see the young people pitching in. They always provide an excellent meal, and it is nice to have a good social outing. Not having to cook or do dishes is also a treat,” said Hugh Allan.

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