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Santa Anonymous 2018


The Vermilion Lions Club will be hosting their annual Santa’s Anonymous in Vermilion, Mannville, Minburn, Islay, and Clandonald with delivery taking place on Saturday, December 15th. Registration Forms & Collection Boxes: Registration Forms will be available to prospective recipients from Schools, Town Offices, Islay Agencies, Churches & Social Services and at businesses where collection boxes are located. Recipients of Santa Anonymous must complete the registration form which must include a reference that is familiar with their situation and can verify the need for assistance. Eligible reference can be a staff member from Human Resources (social services), Children Services, School personnel, Clergy, Counselors, Village or Town Administrator or Councillors, FCSS, nurse, or RCMP member. Registration forms must be mailed to “Santa Anonymous, 4929 50 Ave, Vermilion, AB T9X 1A6” to reach us no later than Friday November 30th. Collection boxes are placed at some 40 locations throughout the area covered by the Vermilion Santa Anonymous and will be picked up Wednesday Dec 12th. Deliveries – Deliveries will be made to Vermilion, Mannville, Minburn, Islay and Clandonald from 8:30 - 12 PM on Saturday Dec 15th. (There will be no pick-ups as we make all deliveries.) 2017 Santa Anonymous made 56 deliveries to families. Due to a toughening economy, we expect that the demand for Santa Anonymous may increase for 2018. Tree Buddy program will run again this year. You can pickup your Buddy card at participating merchants. The Buddy card indicates an age and sex of the child for whom the gift is being purchased. Please contact the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce for further information about the Buddy card program. Toys – only new items will be accepted. Gifts should not be wrapped to make it easier for the elves to sort the gifts into the various packages. Cash Donations are most welcome and assists us in purchasing items to complete food hampers & gift packages. Donations, with Tax Receipts supplied upon request, can be made at Scotiabank or by mail to “The Vermilion Lions Club, 4929 50 Ave, Vermilion, AB T9X 1A6”. Cash donations can also be made to our Loonie Ducks located at several businesses around town. Volunteers are required for the week of December 10th to 15th. These volunteers will sort gifts and food according to the needs of each recipient family. On the 15th from 8:30AM on, we will need approximately 20 volunteers to deliver to the homes. We are happy to have Delores Coates-Lingley back as the head elf again this year. Anyone wishing to help, even if you can only work one day or a few hours, please stop by the Atco Electric building and talk to Delores, your help will be greatly appreciated. The local car dealers have always donated the use of vans for the deliveries in the past and their generous support is very much appreciated. The local fire department has been very generous in helping us with the home deliveries and we will be counting on them again this year. Community support – we have had very good support from the whole community in the past and your continued support will be most appreciated. This is a non-profit program that is designed to help those less fortunate to enjoy the spirit of Christmas. This program is anonymous and the identity of the recipients is held in strict confidence and cannot be released to donors under any circumstances. Our location is at the ATCO Electric Bldg, which has been graciously provided for us by ATCO Electric. Please contact Cliff Rolheiser 853-4240 to answer any questions concerning the program.

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