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Organ And Tissue Donation Awareness

Vermilion Voice

2nd Chance Trail Ride provided information on organ and tissue donation at Western Financial in Vermilion on April 24. “This week is national organ and tissue donation awareness week. It is important because without someone donating, my husband would have died eight years ago when he received a double lung. So many people are on waiting lists. We are visiting registries in the hopes to inspire someone to sign up,” said Fae Irvine. Fae and Morris Irvine will be hosting the 8th Annual 2nd Chance Trail Ride on May 11, from Lindbergh to Elk Point. Horses and wagons will be travelling the Iron Horse Trail fundraising for organ and tissue donation. Twenty-five dollar tickets include a catered meal, speakers, a live and silent auction, and a dance to follow. “We like to promote the attitude of gratitude to celebrate recipients and our appreciation for donors. We enjoy having a way to give back, and over the years have opened five apartments in Edmonton with GoodHearts, as well as offering gift cards to those undergoing their transplant journey. We have gift cards for parking and help patients with $1,000 through their social worker,” said Fae. “We are a registered charity, and since January have helped 14 people. There are eight applications currently sitting,” said Morris. According to Fae, the late Humboldt Broncos organ donor, Logan Boulet’s parents and sister will be speaking at the event. She went on to say that since his donation and the awareness they are creating, that there has been more advancement in the process, so doctors are doing more transplants, there are more donors, and there is more accessibility. “We have run out of funds. We would like to thank Western Financial in Vermilion for hosting us today, and look forward to see everyone on the trail,” said Fae. To donate or for more information you can call 780-724-4027; visit;, email; or mail P.O. Box 94, Elk Point, Alberta T0A 1A0.

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